Arkay Garberm portrait in Blue

Arkay Garber

Writing from the heart takes courage!

Seminars and Online Consultations

Unique storytelling techniques
for film, novel, and stage play

Do you have a story to tell?

Then what are you waiting for? Are you thinking about a story from childhood? A crime story? A romance story? Is science fiction your passion? How about mythology? Should you write your story as a film, or would it be better as a novel? How do you write action scenes in a novel? Does dialog carry the story?

About Arkay

Arkay Garber has been steeped in the craft of writing for more than thirty years! Combining knowledge gleaned from Hollywood gurus plus her own teaching methodology, she’s developed a unique curriculum for writers, with the mission to “Focus on the nuts and bolts story parts, and end up with an organic whole!”

Let me help you write your
screenplay, novel, and stage play!

Whether you want to learn about writing for film, novel, or stage, if you are interested in being notified about upcoming In-Person or Online Classes, please email: [email protected], attn: Arkay

Private Online Consultations:

Private Online Consultations

Sign up here for an online consultation:

Step #1:

    Step #2: You will receive a confirmation email with payment details. For more information, please email: [email protected]

    Visit The Writer’s Room

    Do you have a story to tell? Ask Arkay Garber a writing question about story for film, novel, or stage! On genre topics, character development, plot structure, crafting a premise line…Arkay is here to help!

    What writers say about Arkay Garber’s teaching approach!

    New Master Class with Arkay Garber!

    Arkay Garber portrait burgundy

    For questions, please email to: [email protected]

    Topic: New masterclass 24.12

    Location: OU Center
    Time: 20.00
    Cost: 95 NIS



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    Sign up for the master class:
    Step #1: Fill in the form

      Step #2: You will receive a confirmation email with payment details. For more information, please email: [email protected]

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